IoT for a healthy world
Mission: Detect abnormal events on time, combat loneliness
Challenge: Reduce hospitalization, allow aged in place
Cost effective solution: 1$ per day service (+unites)

We are an extensive team of technologists - those who are skilled in both programing, frameworks, engineering and analytics.
Unbiased in our recommendations and constantly endeavor to guide our clients down the right way.
Our mission is to provid an open, scalable and accessible solutions, to meet today's and tomorrow potential growth opportunities
The chalenge is how to make use of sensors and ICT for 24X7 monitoring, while elderly do not want to me monitored.
Cloud base Analytics system together with smart android FOG (platform for wearable and sensors) create a remote non-intrusive elderly detection system
BEST SHOT method for analyzing sensors information of critical incidents and / or falls by a continuous analysis of data from one minute before until one minute after the event both in MS band and on Sensor wall kit.
A suspicious event might start from IR wall sensors array, verify itself on the band (heartbeat, temperature, accelerometer and gyro) and go back to the mobile (on the wall) with correlation up to 5-7 type of sensors for positively creating an event while reducing falls positive calls to minimum even without the use of a call center.
Our machine learning solution focus on early detection and intervention for mental and chronic diseases by "looking" for changes in routine and elderly behavior.
Better remote manage of elderly:
- chronic health conditions (Diabetes, CVD, COPD, Asthma)
- mental illness (MCI/Alzheimer, Depression)
- and fall detection
Help elderly and pediatric clients:
- recovering after a hospital or facility stay-
- remain safely at home and avoid unnecessary hospitalization
dash board

What is the need? In Europe today, elderly aged 65+ are almost 20% of population; while in 2050 (UN research) will be 29.6% some 180M out of 603M total population - number of caretakers is dropping & getting expensive, elderly lives longer and individually. Healthcare authorities, organizations and insurance company spend fortune on supporting the elderly wellbeing.
In the USA, Chronic Disease constitutes roughly 75 % of all health care spending, 13% of total GDP.
Approximately 18% of patients are readmitted within 30 days of their hospital discharge (Obama healthcare vs. HMO).
25% reduction in the average number of days hospitalized and a 19% reduction in hospitalization costs for patients using Telemonitoring.

Call- Centre
Automatic alert sys.
Managed Care Organizations
Assisted and Independent Living Facilities
Care Givers
The Solution: A hang on the wall (DIY) charger-cradle for the elderly smartphone, connected (USB) to our sensors kit, we make use of elderly mobile ability (Process, Connect & Store) to create an economic platform for IoT wireless smart sensors network inside home. Such system use hybrid communication between the unites (Wi-Fi, BT, BTLE) as one holistic solution and one gateway to the cloud (WI-FI or GSM)
Deploying the solution via Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), in a cost effective routing protocols - Mobile Mesh middleware platform over Wi-Fi. This WSN, is an open system that connect existing and future wireless devices (Wi-Fi, BT, BTLE, NFC) to the internet without installation or wires, and unattended to elderly cooperation.
Enabler open platform to connect WEARABLE to the cloud, regardless the elderly mobile that is not always active and its limited BTLE distance of 10 meter
Non intrusive sensors network
Android base (Small Data) sensor platform
Cloud Analytic (Big Data)
Smart alerts for caregivers, data for Physicians
IoT & Sensor Platform

The sensors system will detect elderly health change of routine and event detection, using passive IR array, microphone sensors array and integration wearable devices (watch, band, glasses). Increasing demand for new kind of remote technology that needs to be very easy and quick to set up, require minimal nurse training and not limit on patient mobility.
A scalable, three stages solution depends on level of independence and on need for additional early risk detection and intervention.
Hybrid communication between the unites (Wi-Fi, BT, BTLE) as one holistic solution and one gateway to the cloud (WI-FI or GSM)
ComSense (IoT) Ltd.
Tel Aviv 6805131 ISRAEL
mobile: +972-50-6766797
Skype: alon.david.il.2013